Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Radovan Karadzic Captured after 13 years: FINALLY

On the Capture of Radovan Karadzic from the Telegraph, UK

"Radovan Karadzic, the ultranationalist leader of the Bosnian Serbs in the 1992-1995 civil war in the former Yugoslavia, is widely regarded by diplomats as the chief architect of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia — crimes that were Europe’s worst atrocities since World War II. One of the world’s most wanted men, he was arrested on July 21, 2008.

Dr. Karadzic, a psychiatrist by profession and a published poet and writer, was twice indicted by the United Nations war crimes tribunal in The Hague on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity. The charges say he authorized the shooting of civilians during the siege of Sarajevo and for directing the slaughter of an estimated 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men in Srebenica, in eastern Bosnia.

Regarded as a war hero by many Serbs, he went into hiding in 1997 and escaped capture for years. Officials at the war crimes tribunal say a well-financed support network that included police officers and members of the intelligence services in Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro, as well as members of the Serbian Orthodox Church, enabled Dr. Karadzic to remain on the run." (Telegraph, UK)

"Ratko Mladic,, the General who carried out war crimes against Bosnians is still on the loose although his arrest is reported to be imminent. Mladic carried out Milosevic (president of Serbia) Karadzic's genocidal policies against the Bosnians in Bosnia-Herzogovina and also against the Croatians in that territory." pieced from various news reports SRaphael."I don't plan on putting the horrible faces of either Mladic or Karadzic on my blog."

1 comment:

sharon raphael said...

The fact that Radovan Karadzic was both a psychiatrist and a poet boggles the mind. I shouldn't be surprised at this reality since given that in WWII in Germany very educated men and women were part of Hitler's killing machine.