Friday, June 20, 2008

Obama, Hillary Clinton to campaign together

Former first lady will introduce Obama to her financial backers

MSNBC dated 8:40 a.m. PT, Fri., June. 20, 2008
CHICAGO - Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama's campaign announced Friday that he will campaign with former rival Hillary Rodham Clinton next week, a step toward unifying a fractured Democratic Party after a bruising primary fight.

Obama's campaign said in a brief e-mail that the two senators and former opponents will campaign together for the first time on Friday, June 27, and more details would be forthcoming.

A day earlier, Obama and Clinton also plan to meet in Washington with some of her top contributors in an effort to calm donors who remain frustrated with Obama's presidential campaign. The former first lady will introduce Obama to her financial backers.

1 comment:

pjazzypar said...

This is good news! I think that Senator Clinton has the good sense to know that without her backing Obama could well lose the election. She is looking at the big picture which is sensible if you don't want a repeat of the horrors we have lived through for the last 8 years. BTW, thanks for moving my last response to the right post:)