Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hillary Wins Big in Florida: The Votes Don't Count

Hillary wins Florida, though the votes don't count, the put downs keep coming in for instance, some of the headlines and pundits are calling the vote in Florida "a beauty contest". Obama's campaign manager, supposedly tongue in cheek, called the results a tie 0 for Clinton 0 for Obama. Chris Matthews continued his put down of Hillary showing his amusement by the fact that Hillary appeared at a party held in her behalf as a result of the Florida outcome. The fact is the vote count in Florida putting at least 20 points ahead of Obama at last count, shows she is doing well in a State with a diverse population with many urban, suburban, and rural areas. Hillary is also bound to take California, another diverse state.* Ted Kennedy's endorsement of Obama was a big event but probably not enough of a elevator ride to change what will be the outcome of the primary election and most likely the general election too that will result in the first woman being elected President of the United States.

And guess what Chris Matthews, you will never see it coming and never report it as it develops but it is undeniable that women will come out from every hamlet and place in America to support another sister who they can see is competitive enough, up to the task and beyond the capabilities of most men who have tried to be elected to the highest position in the land. And that's the way I see it. Chris Matthews and men like you, stop your sneering long enough and you too might actually see what's coming. Be amazed. Behold. A Woman is Coming and you will have to cover her almost every day for the next 8 years. Perhaps, by then, you won't have a job because over half of your viewership will have stopped watching you realizing how irrelevant you are.

Hillary came on the air while I ws writing to say she will attempt to get the votes to count in Florida. She said Florida is an important state as we can all testify from the last election and all the Dem votes should be counted. How this will happen within Democratic Party circles I have no idea. I am sure Obama forces will fight for the opposite outcome. Keep your eyes on this development. In any case, Hillary looked so good tonight. I think she is catching on. This is a turning point for her. I know
something is happening within me. The idea of her and the image of her in the White House means something to me.

the vision of Hillary in the White House is moving and I am way left of Hillary. Something is definitely happening. I liked when Hillary said she will be a President who will be concerned about what is happening in every home. (paraprasing) She will have her eyes on what is happening at homes throughout this country not like Bush and Cheney whose eyes are always on the profits of the great oil companies. (all this is paraphrased from her MSNBC interview tonight with Matthews and Obama. Matthews managed to contain himself but still persevered in his sexism by asking if she has reigned in her husband or some nonsense like that. She answered by saying she was in charge, yes, and that all spouses get passionate when campaigning for their spouses. I thought it was a gracious response, more than Matthew deserved and she thanked the All Mighty Matthews who ended the interview on that note.

*The only caveat here is that Florida has more 65+ residents than many other states including California. Hillary will have to make sure she reaches deep into the youth vote to assure herself of the edge in the California and other elections. She is alredy doing this with the African American vote. She need to get enough votes from every segment of the population to make a difference. And she knows that.

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